Getting a list of rooms
Now that we're connected to Player.IO, and to our local server, we can get a list of rooms.
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using PlayerIOClient; public class ConnectToPlayerIO : MonoBehaviour { public bool UseDevServer = true; Client client; void Start() { PlayerIO.UnityInit( this ); PlayerIO.Connect( "YourGameIDHere", "public", "YourUserIDHere", null, null, delegate( Client c ) { // connected successfully client = c; Debug.Log( "Connected" ); // if we're using the dev server, connect to the local IP if( UseDevServer ) { client.Multiplayer.DevelopmentServer = new ServerEndpoint( "", 8184 ); GetRoomList(); } }, delegate( PlayerIOError error ) { // did not connect successfully Debug.Log( error.Message ); } ); } void GetRoomList() { // get a list of all rooms with the given room type and search criteria (null = all rooms...