Project overview
In this chapter, we are going to add in functionality to some of our previously created games, adding in high scores and even an in-game level editor, which can be used for future projects.
Your objectives
This project will be split into a number of tasks. It will be a simple step-by-step process from beginning to end. Here is the outline of our tasks:
Saving a high score
Level editor – introduction
Adding/removing walls at runtime
Toggling editor, GUI, and selecting additional tiles
Saving/loading levels to file
In this chapter, we will use projects that we created in the earlier chapters, specifically the projects from Chapter 2, Creating GUIs, and Chapter 3, Side-scrolling Platformer. You may continue with your previous projects or pick up a copy along with the assets for this chapter from the example code provided for this book on Packt Publishing's website (
In addition, the completed project and source files are located there...