Time for action – hands up!
Let's get the hands and tray into our Scene!
Navigate to GameObject | Create Empty. This is the GameObject that will contain the hands and tray models.
Rename the new GameObject
.Click and drag the HandsAndTray model, which contains the Tray_mesh and Hands_mesh models, from the Project panel to the new HandsAndTray GameObject that you just created in the Hierarchy panel. You'll see the models appear indented beneath the GameObject, which will gain a gray arrow to indicate that it's now a parent.
Click on the top-level HandsAndTray Game Object in the Hierarchy panel, and change its Position/Rotation/Scale settings in the Inspector panel:
Position X: -0.18 Y: -0.4 Z: -0.2
Rotation X: 8 Y: 180 Z: 0
Scale X: 1 Y: 1 Z: 1

What just happened – size matters
When you change the Position and Rotation values, the HandsAndTray GameObject swings into view near our old Paddle GameObject, but the meshes are disappointingly tiny. Clearly...