The Limitations of TrixBox
Die-hard Asterisk purists will insist that by using TrixBox we are seriously crippling the abilities of the system. The reality is that we can do almost anything with a TrixBox installation just as we can with a bare Asterisk installation. The main limitation we have is that FreePBX requires a specific layout of configuration files, and any hand editing could be overwritten or could break the FreePBX interface.
TrixBox also locks us down to one machine. When it comes to having multiple machines handling our telephony, it can be difficult to migrate from TrixBox to multiple Asterisk boxes as the TrixBox interface only allows for single machine architecture. This can be manageable as long as the administrators configuring the telephone system are aware of the need to log in to multiple interfaces in order to make changes. As the telephony infrastructure and required capacity grows, it can become quite difficult to manage. It's worth considering moving directly to...