In this chapter, we learned about Google Cloud Run and Knative, the open source project it is built upon. We learned that Google Cloud Run is a serverless platform for hosting our container-based microservices, and a key design goal is to remove the boring but difficult parts of deploying microservices, such as configuring Horizontal Pod Autoscalers, Services, and Ingress. We learned how to automatically deploy our microservices to Google Cloud Run using a custom domain name.
Deploying apps with Cloud Run is one of the easiest ways to future-proof your application. It also helps ensure that the apps you develop can stand the test of time and continue to live on within the fast-changing world of cloud-native. That said, Cloud Run still has its limitations, especially when it comes to complex orchestration. Thankfully, as with almost everything else that the cloud and Google Cloud offer, there are alternatives to future-proofing your app, too.
And finally, we would like...