Exploratory Data Analysis and Feature Engineering
We will now focus on diving deep into the data and performing exploratory data analysis. The following code downloads the data from my public Git repository and creates a data frame. We'll start by exploring the data at a high level:
>#Read Solar Panel IoT use case CSV data from public repository >url<-"https://github.com/jojo62000/Smarter_Decisions/raw/master/Chapter%206/Data/Final_SolarData.csv" >#Load the data into a dataframe >data<-read.csv(url) >#Check the dimensions of the dataframe >dim(data) [1] 119296 23 >#Take a glimpse into each column of the dataframe >str(data) 'data.frame': 119296 obs. of 23 variables: $ location : Factor w/ 1 level "Peru": 1 1 1 ... $ date_time : Factor w/ 119308 levels "2015-12-02 00:01:40",... $ solarvoltage : num 0 0 0 0 0...