Scripting essentials
Scripting is a set of statements or commands that are written using a specific syntax. Script statements are executed to accomplish the desired results. In QlikView, scripts are written in the script editor. A script is written to load/extract data from data source tables and to transform data. Script uses QlikView specific and data source-specific functions. Script editor is invoked by pressing Ctrl + E or using the script editor icon from the toolbar. Script editor will look like the following:

Here are some of the highlights of the script editor:
- Script statements can be organized by using tabs.
- The first tab is Main and it is created by default. This tab has certain variables already declared. These variables are set using your operating system settings.
- At the bottom of the script editor is a set of tabs used for loading data and script generation. Data is loaded from the Data tab and data from the files.
- The script is executed from left to right and top to bottom...