Using Celery to distribute tasks
Celery is a Python framework used to manage a distributed task, following the Object-Oriented Middleware approach. Its main feature consists of handling many small tasks and distributing them on a large number of computational nodes. Finally, the result of each task will then be reworked in order to compose the overall solution.
To work with Celery, we need the following components:
- The Celery module (of course!!)
- A message broker. This is a Celery-independent software component, the middleware, used to send and receive messages to distributed task workers. A message broker is also known as a message middleware. It deals with the exchange of messages in a communication network. The addressing scheme of this type of middleware is no longer of the point-to-point type but is a message-oriented addressing scheme. The best known is the Publish/Subscribe paradigm.
The message broker architecture
Celery supports many types of message brokers—the most complete...