We covered a wide variety of material in this chapter, but we didn't cover anything in a lot of detail. These exercises, then, will be all about extra reading. All of the tools we discussed in this chapter have terrific documentation on their websites, including tutorials, API references, and specific examples. If any of the topics we discussed are of special interest to you, review the documentation for those libraries. Try them out, see how far you can push them.
Acquire the knowledge you need to write a complicated GUI program, then write it. Do it in both TkInter and PyQt, and decide which toolkit you prefer. Find out what database backends SQLAlchemy currently supports under Python 3, as this number will grow quickly from the two available at the time of writing. Similarly, do research into available web frameworks, and see how they compare to CherryPy. Is Jinja the best tool for templating available? Try some other products and see what you think of them. Or if you have some...