Breach attack simulation with Atomic Red Team
First, we need to clearly define the techniques we want to execute. As explained in Chapter 2, Purple Teaming – a Generic Approach and a New Model, a detailed plan needs to be defined, established, and scheduled by the offensive operator and validated by the purple team manager. Always ensure that you strongly validate this kind of plan and your actions before execution, especially if the defensive operators are not aware of the exercise.
We consider this simulation plan as our very first purple team exercise, so it will mostly be manually configured and crafted. As mentioned in the PEIR process, we will start with the preparation phase, where we will define a simulation plan. Remember that we are talking about simulation here, not emulation, as this plan is not related to any known threat actors or groups. It is only based on what we want to test or what we think will hit us in the future. Based on the ideas detailed in Chapter...