Recap of main concepts of pair programming
When we're learning about something, we say that repetition is the mother of learning. So, let's repeat, in short, the main concepts of pair programming techniques and styles:
- The driver is the one writing the code and focuses on small details. Usually, the driver is in charge and makes all the decisions.
- The navigator observes the driver writing the code and focuses on long-term decisions. Also, the navigator suggests ideas, comes up with options, and shows the potential risks, dangers, or drawbacks of the current code.
- Rotation is the moment when the driver and the navigator change roles: the driver becomes the navigator and vice versa. Depending on the technique and style, it can happen more or less often, or it can even not happen at all.
- Setup refers to what you need to start your pair programming session: computer(s), an extra keyboard, a mouse, source control access, video, audio, screen sharing, an IDE...