Chapter 1, Fundamental Concepts of Network Automation, introduces you to how to get started with automation. This will also help you learn and understand the various important aspects of network automation.
Chapter 2, Python Automation for Network Engineers, walks you through the methods and samples of how to get data and parse through the use of regexes. We will also learn about a number of advanced topics, such as writing Python scripts for network automation. With the help of a use case, readers will be able to automate their network using Python.
Chapter 3, Ansible and Network Templatizations, focuses on using templates for network golden states, and auto deployments of infrastructure using Ansible. We will also learn about how to virtualize Oracle databases and scale dynamically to ensure service levels.
Chapter 4, Using Artificial Intelligence in Operations, includes the implementation of AI in operations in order to perform self healing and remediations.
Chapter 5, Web Framework for Automation Triggers, discusses how to make scalable calls to automation frameworks and generate custom HTML/dynamic pages. This chapter will also cover the performance of complex tasks using API calls, along with the use case toward the end.
Chapter 6, Continual Integration, provides an overview and integration principles for network engineers with a view to managing rapid growth with high availability and rapid disaster recovery.