Evaluating test results for Predict Size ML Model in 
Power BI
Your next ML model to review is a classification model for predicting the size of wildlife that struck an aircraft. These predictions don’t necessarily indicate the size of the actual animal. For example, a large flock of smaller birds might also be considered a large impact. Predicting these values could help understand the likelihood of incidents that are perceived to be more severe.
Model performance for Predict Size ML
Moving on to the test results for your ML model to predict the size of an animal or animals that struck an aircraft, you follow similar steps as in the previous section to open the report. From your Power BI workspace, do the following:
- Click on the Predict Size ML Model dataflow.
- On the ribbon, select Machine learning models.
- Under the ACTIONS column, click the clipboard to access View training report.
- The report should look like the following figure, and on the...