The steps you need to follow to complete this recipe are as follows:
- Unzip the archive to your working directory. You can find this archive in the book's dataset.
- Import the world countries shapefile (wborders.shp) in PostGIS using the ogr2ogr command. Using some of the options from ogr2ogr, you will import only the features from SUBREGION=2 (Africa), and the ISO2 and NAME attributes, and rename the feature class to africa_countries:
$ ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL -sql "SELECT ISO2,
NAME AS country_name FROM wborders WHERE REGION=2" -nlt
MULTIPOLYGON PG:"dbname='postgis_cookbook' user='me'
password='mypassword'" -nln africa_countries
-lco SCHEMA=chp01 -lco GEOMETRY_NAME=the_geom wborders.shp
- Check if the shapefile was correctly imported in PostGIS, querying the spatial table in the database or displaying it in a desktop GIS.
- Query PostGIS to get a list of the 100 active hotspots with the highest brightness temperature (the bright_t31 field) from the global_24h table created in the previous recipe:
postgis_cookbook=# SELECTST_AsText(the_geom) AS the_geom, bright_t31
FROM chp01.global_24h
ORDER BY bright_t31 DESC LIMIT 100;
The output of the preceding command is as follows:
- You want to figure out in which African countries these hotspots are located. For this purpose, you can do a spatial join with the africa_countries table produced in the previous step:
postgis_cookbook=# SELECT ST_AsText(f.the_geom)
AS the_geom, f.bright_t31, ac.iso2, ac.country_name
FROM chp01.global_24h as f
JOIN chp01.africa_countries as ac
ON ST_Contains(ac.the_geom, ST_Transform(f.the_geom, 4326))
ORDER BY f.bright_t31 DESCLIMIT 100;
The output of the preceding command is as follows:
You will now export the result of this query to a vector format supported by GDAL, such as GeoJSON, in the WGS 84 spatial reference using ogr2ogr:
$ ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON -t_srs EPSG:4326 warmest_hs.geojson
PG:"dbname='postgis_cookbook' user='me' password='mypassword'" -sql "
SELECT f.the_geom as the_geom, f.bright_t31,
ac.iso2, ac.country_name
FROM chp01.global_24h as f JOIN chp01.africa_countries as ac
ON ST_Contains(ac.the_geom, ST_Transform(f.the_geom, 4326))
ORDER BY f.bright_t31 DESC LIMIT 100"
- Open the GeoJSON file and inspect it with your favorite desktop GIS. The following screenshot shows you how it looks with QGIS:
- Export the previous query to a CSV file. In this case, you have to indicate how the geometric information must be stored in the file; this is done using the -lco GEOMETRY option:
$ ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:4326 -f CSV -lco GEOMETRY=AS_XY
-lco SEPARATOR=TAB warmest_hs.csv PG:"dbname='postgis_cookbook'
user='me' password='mypassword'" -sql "
SELECT f.the_geom, f.bright_t31,
ac.iso2, ac.country_name
FROM chp01.global_24h as f JOIN chp01.africa_countries as ac
ON ST_Contains(ac.the_geom, ST_Transform(f.the_geom, 4326))
ORDER BY f.bright_t31 DESC LIMIT 100"