Setting up your purchase
Before we can dive in to Unity and get started with coding, we're going to have to use the Ouya website to create our In-App Purchase. Log in to the Ouya Developer Portal at and click on the Products option from the top menu. It will take you to a screen where you need to complete the following fields:
Identifier: Call it
.Name: This is the name that the player will see. Call it
Sokoban – Full Unlock
.Price: It can be difficult choosing the price for your game. It's better to start a little higher, that way you can always offer sales at a later date. Set it to
.Type: This is going to be a one off purchase so set it to Entitlement.
When you've entered all that information, click on Create Product and you'll be taken back to the Products screen.
The Ouya store will pay you when your game earns over $150, and the payments will come 30 days after the month in which the money was earned. The Ouya store takes 30% of the...