Graphical displays
In this section we will see the various graphical display option provided by the P6.
Pie charts
A pie chart is the simplest graph, displaying one dimension – the angle or "slice of the pie. There are only two things to select for the pie chart: the data to represent and the grouping of that data across projects in the portfolio, as shown in the following screenshot:

Color Theme can be Primary or Pastel colors.
Pie data label determines whether the data represented is labeled. For example, if the data is Current Budget then the pie data label will show the amount of the current budget in each grouping.
Group by label determines how and whether to label the groups. For example, when grouping by region, this determines whether the region names will be displayed.
Show Percentage determines whether the percentage of each grouping is displayed.
Show 3-D determines whether the pie is displayed face-on, or at an angle with a third dimension.
The following two images show the effect...