Changing the organization hierarchy
If you need to update organization hierarchies, then you have three options. They are as follows:
Add new organizations in hierarchy: To add new organizations in the hierarchy, we need to follow these steps:
Query the hierarchy and version you want to update.
Query the parent organization for which you need to add a new organization. Select the new organization in the Subordinates block.
Click on Save.
Changing the top organization of an existing hierarchy: To change the top organization of an existing hierarchy, we need to follow these steps:
Query the hierarchy and version you want to update.
Query the new top organization.
Select the previous top organization in the Subordinates block.
Click on Save.
Move an organization and all of its subordinates into a hierarchy: To move an organization and all of its subordinates into a hierarchy, we need to follow these steps:
Query the hierarchy and version you want to change.
Search for the new parent organization. This...