Chapter 17. AJAX with APEX
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a collection of technologies that were in use separately for a long time in the Web environment. Putting them to work together, with some new APIs, gives us something new the ability of the client side to trigger server-side activities without relinquishing full control. With AJAX, the client side can initiate an HTTP communication with the server using a local scripting language and requests for server-side information. This request can trigger any action we need on the server side, and in our context, any allowed database activity. The new benefit of AJAX is that this type of client-server dialog can happen without the need to submit the page, and re-render it from scratch upon receiving the server response, as was the case prior to AJAX.
APEX has a dedicated AJAX framework, which allows us to utilize this important technology both on the client side (using the APEX built-in JavaScript library), and on the server side...