Descriptor matchers
is an abstract base class to match keypoint descriptors that, as happens with DescriptorExtractor
, make programs more flexible than using matchers directly. With the Ptr<DescriptorMatcher> DescriptorMatcher::create(const string& descriptorMatcherType)
function, we can create a descriptor matcher of the desired type. The following are the supported types:
BruteForce-L1: This is used for float descriptors. It uses L1 distance and is efficient and fast.
BruteForce: This is used for float descriptors. It uses L2 distance and can be better than L1, but it needs more CPU usage.
BruteForce-SL2: This is used for float descriptors and avoids square root computation from L2, which requires high CPU usage.
BruteForce-Hamming: This is used for binary descriptors and calculates the Hamming distance between the compared descriptors.
BruteForce-Hamming(2): This is used for binary descriptors (2 bits version).
FlannBased: This is used for float descriptors...