Creating an OAuth 2.0 client using the Authorization Code grant type
This recipe presents you with how to create a client application that interacts with the OAuth 2.0 Provider by using the Authorization Code grant type.
Getting ready
To run this recipe, make sure you have an OAuth 2.0 Provider running on your machine. I recommend you to use the project auth-code-server
presented in the first recipe from Chapter 2, Implementing Your Own OAuth 2.0 Provider which is available at GitHub through To have an OAuth 2.0 Provider running, you will also need Java 8, Maven, and your preferred IDE.
How to do it...
The next steps will present with you how to create the client application that uses the Authorization Code grant type to retrieve an access token and to interact with the user's profile endpoint:
- Create the project using Spring Initializr. Go to and fill out the form using the...