Extending the Incident class with a new property
In this recipe, we will take a look at extending the incident class with a new property. This can be done when you want to keep track of something that isn't available by default. You might want to keep track of the incident discovery date, for instance. That's not a property of the incident class by default, so if you would like to do so, you will have to extend the class, as described in this recipe.
Getting ready
Make sure you have downloaded and installed the Authoring Tool. Note that the version of the Authoring Tool has to match the version of your Service Manager installed.
Download the Service Manager Authoring Tool available at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=54059
How to do it...
Start the Service Manager Authoring Tool.
Locate Class Browser and click on the Reload Content button to load the list of all classes in SCSM.
Enter Incident in the Search field and hit Enter.
Locate the Incident class, right-click on...