Technical description
Instead of programming TESTFIELD in a setup field that would result in an error message to the user, we need to implement a function that guides users through the process.

The function is a member of the setup table, and should explain its purpose. As an example, we will look at CompanyInfo.VerifyAndSetPaymentInfo
This function is called from the Sales Invoice report, and it shows the following message when executed:

The following is the code:
VerifyAndSetPaymentInfo() GET; IF IsPaymentInfoAvailble THEN EXIT; IF CONFIRM(NoPaymentInfoQst,TRUE,TABLECAPTION) THEN BEGIN CompanyInformationPage.SETRECORD(Rec); CompanyInformationPage.EDITABLE(TRUE); IF CompanyInformationPage.RUNMODAL = ACTION::OK THEN CompanyInformationPage.GETRECORD(Rec); END; IF NOT IsPaymentInfoAvailble THEN MESSAGE(NoPaymentInfoMsg,TABLECAPTION);
This function has a logical structure that tests whether the setup is correct, and exits if so.
The user gets a question asking if they...