Fixed Asset reports
We have several standard reports in NAV 2016 for general ledgers, fixed assets, maintenance, insurance, depreciation, book value, and so on. But here we will discuss only a few of them.
Maintenance details report
This report shows detailed maintenance expenses for fixed assets. The report can show maintenance expenses for fixed assets for different time periods, broken down by maintenance types or other categories such as, fixed asset class.

Insurance coverage details report
Insurance coverage details report prints the insurance--the Total Value Insured report. It shows which insurance policies cover each asset and specifies the amount.

Fixed Asset details report
This report shows an analysis of your FA with various types of data for individual assets and/or groups of assets. In the Fixed Assets FastTab, you can set filters if you want the report to include only certain fixed assets. In the Options FastTab, you can choose from a number of options to tailor the report to...