General setup
Every Dynamics NAV functional area has its own setup options that will determine the behavior of the application on that area. We will take a look at the setup of the functional areas we have seen in this book: General ledger, Sales, Purchases, and Inventory.
Most of the available setup options can be found via the following path: Departments | Administration | Application Setup | Financial Management | Finance, and you can choose among the different setups available.
The General Ledger Setup page is shown in the following screenshot:

The General Ledger Setup page allows you to determine general behaviors that will be used throughout the whole application. As an example, we have identified four setup groups, as follows:
Allowed posting dates: We have explained the usage of this setup in Chapter 3, Accounting Processes.
Address format: Different countries type address information in different orders. Here, you specify how addresses will be written on printed documents, such as...