Routing errors
Orchestrations allow for try, catch, and compensate patterns. For subscriptions, routing exceptions, failing adapters, handling exceptions that occur in interchanges with many parts, or in Maps or Schema validation, a feature known as Failed Message Routing is utilized.
When an exception occurs in a port, one of the following actions is performed by BizTalk Server Runtime:
The port has retries left; so, it will wait to retry (only possible in Send Ports)
The port has no retries configured but has a backup transport configured and will fall back to that (again, only possible in Send Ports)
The service instance gets suspended
Failed Message Routing kicks in
A message ends up in a suspended state when all retries and backup transport options have been evaluated and no Failed Message Routing has been implemented.
The Failed Message Routing option is available on both Receive and Send Ports. On Receive Ports, it is available on the General tab:

While on Send Ports, it is available on...