Exploring vCenter Server's Management Features
After your ESXi hosts are managed by vCenter Server, you can take advantage of some of vCenter Server's management features:
- Basic host management tasks in Hosts And Clusters view
- Basic host configuration
- Scheduled tasks
- Events
- Host profiles
- Tags
In the next few sections, you'll examine each of these areas in a bit more detail.
Understanding Basic Host Management
A great deal of the day-to-day management tasks for ESXi hosts in vCenter Server occur in the Hosts And Clusters view. From this area, the context (right-click) menu for an ESXi host shows some of the options available. This menu has changed from the previous versions of the vSphere Web Client; it is now more closely aligned to the menus that exist within the deprecated vSphere Desktop Client and Host Client, as shown in Figure 3.24.
The majority of these...