Examples and source code for this chapter are available in the GitHub repository in the chapter9 folder: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Mastering-Python-for-Networking-and-Security.
You will need to install Python distribution on your local machine with at least 4 GB memory. In this chapter, we will use a virtual machine with which some tests related to port analysis and vulnerability-detection will be carried out. It can be downloaded from the sourceforge page: https://sourceforge.net/projects/Metasploitable/files/Metasploitable2.
To log in, you must use msfadmin as both the username and the password:

Metasploitable is a virtual machine created by the Metasploit group, which consists of an image of an Ubuntu 8.04 system in which there are, deliberately, services with insecure configurations and vulnerabilities, that can be exploited using Metasploit...