Further reading
If you want to learn even more about MDA, check out the following recommended reading:
- As a general go-to resource for MDA, you should be following Sami Lamppu’s blog, as he regularly shares very interesting articles and discoveries on all things MDA: samilampuu.com.
- You learned about the ability to integrate MDA with external DLP solutions. For a deep dive into configuring it, you should refer to the official documentation: learn.microsoft.com/en-us/defender-cloud-apps/icap-stunnel.
- Want to centralize the management of trusted/named locations? Thijs Lectome has you covered, with this blog on ingesting IP ranges into MDA using Azure Automation: 365bythijs.be/2020/03/31/sync-named-locations-to-mcas-ip-ranges-using-azure-automation/.
- MDA never stays still. Keep on top of the regular changes by monitoring the What’s New? page: learn.microsoft.com/en-us/defender-cloud-apps/release-notes.