Using web frameworks
Until now, we have been writing either plain CGI programs, or WSGI handlers that we map in our application manifest file by using regular expressions. This approach of course works, but it is not scalable for even small projects with few pages to be served. This is where we need to grow beyond this and use web frameworks. We have a lot of variety in Python web frameworks, and everyone has their own favorite list of frameworks. App Engine has built-in frameworks that are a part of the App Engine libraries that are available within the runtime environment. However, these might not be the frameworks that you prefer to work with. You might want to use your own favorite web frameworks. Fortunately, that's possible and easy too. We shall review both using built-in frameworks or rolling in your own favorite in the following sections.
Built-in frameworks
There are a couple of web frameworks that come with Google App Engine. The first one is Django, and the second one is...