In this chapter, we took a closer look at model creation and deployment using Advanced Analytics Integration and the server-side R extension in an on-premises environment (having done the initial environment setup in Chapter 5).
We started our journey in this chapter by getting familiar with the two concepts of utilizing Advanced Analytics Integration. We then took a closer look at an on-the-fly data analytics use case and created a k-means clustering example with real-time integration with R.
We built a simple dashboard to support our analysis and took a deeper look at the Advanced Analytics Integration syntax. In the latter part of this chapter, we learned how to debug and monitor our models running in on-premises environments.
In the next chapter, we will shift our focus toward Qlik AutoML. We will learn the implementation model used with AutoML and how to utilize this tool both in Qlik Cloud and on-premises. We will also learn how to deploy and monitor models using...