In the previous chapter, we briefly touched on what a material is and what a texture is. A texture is like a simple image file in the format of .png
. A material is a combination of different elements, including textures to create a surface property that we apply to our objects in the game. We have also briefly covered what UV coordinates are and how we use them to apply a 2D texture to the surface of a 3D object.
So far, we have only learned how to apply materials that are available in the default Unreal Engine. In this chapter, we will dive deeper into how we can actually create our own custom material in Unreal Engine 4. Fundamentally, the material creation for the objects falls into the scope of an artist. For special customized textures, they are sometimes hand painted by 2D artists using tools such as Photoshop or taken from photographs of textures from the exact objects we want, or similar objects. Textures can also be tweaked from existing texture collection to create...