Working with wireframes
Now that we've set up the site structure and can see how the site flows, our next step is to use Muse's tools to draw a simple wireframe.
Muse provides several features to allow us to create wireframes. These include:
A rectangle tool to create graphics and text placeholders
Column grid for alignment of layout elements in the Design view
The Assets panel, which includes features to update placeholder images
For the windsurfing site, we're going to use a one-column layout with a header at the top, a main content area in the middle, and a footer at the bottom of the page. The header will include the site name with a tagline, links to Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and a navigation bar containing links to the pages on the top-level of our hierarchy.
The main content area is the part of the page that will change throughout the site.
The footer at the bottom of the page will hold copyright information.
Let's start by adding one more page to our site. This will be our wireframe...