In order to activate the data table, we now need to make some modifications to the original script that presents a list of products to be purchased. As you recall from the last chapter, we simply presented six HTML select elements, with separate inputs for the quantities purchased. I think we can all agree this looks pretty bad! We now replace that logic with a single data table.
There are three main differences between /path/to/repo/www/chapter_05/ and the one we're examining for this illustration. The first is that we use the new Config class to provide a common configuration. The second major difference is that the responder class has been moved one level deeper. Instead of from web.responder.Html, the purchase script now defines this class as web.responder.html.Html:
from config.config import Config
from web.responder.html import HtmlResponder
The third difference is that instead of using the responder class addInsert(...