In 1991, Linux was just a little baby. But this baby grew massively, and it became so popular. Today, Linux powers over 90% of the world's top supercomputers. And to add to your surprise, you may have been using Linux for years without noticing. How? Well, if you ever used an Android smartphone, then you have used Linux, and that's because Android is a Linux distribution! And if you still don't believe me, go to and search for Android.
On a more serious matter, the majority of government servers run Linux, and that's why you will see a lot of government technical jobs requiring Linux-skilled individuals. Also, big companies like Amazon, eBay, PayPal, Walmart, and many others rely on Linux to run their advanced and sophisticated applications. Furthermore, Linux dominates the cloud as more than 75% of cloud solutions run Linux.
The Linux story is truly inspiring. What was once a hobby is now literally domiÂnating the internet...