The game
You've certainly seen or played this game before. You control a snake in a 2D grid only moving up, down, left, or right. When you change the direction in which the snake's head is moving, each part of the snake's body gradually changes direction as well, following the head. If you run into a wall, or into the snake's own body, you lose. If you guide the snake's head over a fruit, the snake's body gets larger. The larger the snake gets, the more challenging the game becomes. Additionally, the speed at which the snake moves can be increased for an extra challenge. In order to stay true to the old school nature of this classic game, we opted for old school graphics and typefaces, as shown in following screenshot:

The image shows the look and feel of the game. When the game first starts, the snake has a total body length of zero—only the head is present. At first, the snake is randomly placed somewhere within the game grid, and is not given a starting direction to move towards. The...