The game
For lack of creativity, and to steer away from a possible lawsuit from a grumpy game company, we'll name this first game simply Typography Game
. I know, that's not the most impressive game you've heard of, but at least it does a great job of explaining what the game is generally about.
The overall storyline for the game, as well as its general point, goes as follows: correctly type a phrase that is shown to you word-by-word, and win your dream boat. If you don't type each character correctly and fast enough then Snooty McSnootington wins the boat and you lose the game skills.

It's hard to convey all the details about this user interface from a single screenshot, but the waves in that beautiful ocean are actually very smoothly animated, as well as the boat, which floats freely and is tossed about by the waves. Also, although there are exactly six images in the entire game, all of the components used in this game are DOM elements. The boat, the waves, and the characters are done using...