What this book covers
Chapter 1, Up and Running with Kali Linux, shows you how to set up Kali Linux in your testing environment and configure Kali Linux to work within your network.
Chapter 2, Customizing Kali Linux, walks you through installing and configuring drivers for some of the popular video and wireless cards.
Chapter 3, Advanced Testing Lab, covers tools that can be used to set up more advanced simulations and test cases.
Chapter 4, Information Gathering, covers tools that can be used during the information gathering phase including Maltego and Nmap.
Chapter 5, Vulnerability Assessment, walks you through the usage of the Nessus and OpenVAS vulnerability scanners.
Chapter 6, Exploiting Vulnerabilities, covers the use of Metasploit through attacks on commonly used services.
Chapter 7, Escalating Privileges, explains the usage of tools such as Ettercap, SET, and Meterpreter.
Chapter 8, Password Attacks, walks you through the use of tools to crack password hashes and user accounts.
Chapter 9, Wireless Attacks, walks you through how to use various tools to exploit the wireless network.