Building an item view
The Listview provides links for each list item containing a question. In this task we can add the page that is displayed when one of the questions is selected. This will be a much more detailed view of a single question so we can make use of some of the other properties returned to us by Stack Exchange. This time, instead of linking to an existing page, we'll create a new one dynamically and inject it into the app.
Engage Thrusters
We'll use another template to render the item view because it's so convenient; add the following code to bounty-hunter-list.html
directly after the list template. We can start by adding the outer <script>
wrapper, the outer page container, and the header:
<script id="itemTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> <div data-role="page" id="{{:pageid}}" class="item-view"> <div data-role="header" data-position="fixed"> <a href="bounty-hunter-list.html" data-shadow="false" data-icon="arrow...