- aggregate operations
- performing / Performing aggregate operations, Getting ready
- tables, creating / Creating the tables
- classes, creating / Creating the classes
- data, inserting in tables / Inserting data in the tables
- category table / Inserting data in the tables
- product table / Inserting data in the tables
- sum / Sum
- avg / Avg
- min / Min, Output
- max / Max, Code
- count / Count, Code, Output
- alias
- working with / Working with an alias, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…
- annotation
- about / Introduction
- advantages / Introduction
- annotation-based hibernate mapping
- providing / Providing an annotation-based hibernate mapping, How it works…
- class, declaring / Declaring a class — Table for the database
- ID, declaring / Declaring an ID — The primary key for the table
- object, referencing / Referencing an object
- AOP (aspects-oriented programming)
- about / Integration with Spring
- Array
- about ...