Creating reviews
We will have a form that users can use to write reviews. This Create Review form takes a name, a rating, a review, and an image, and will look like the following:

To create this form, we will use a static Table View as we did with restaurant details. This makes it easier for us, because the static Table View comes with a lot of built-in functionality that we do not need to code. For example, keyboard dismissal and scrolling the View when a text area is tapped are all built-in to the static Table View.
Setting up the Review Storyboard
Let's now set up this static Table View:
- In the Outline view, select the Table View that we just added, and then open the Attributes Inspector in the Utilities panel.
- Under Table View, update Content from Dynamic Prototypes to Static Cells.
- Then, select Background in the Attributes Inspector; and under the Color Sliders tab, set the Hex Color # to
under RGB Sliders in the drop-down menu. - Next, select the Table View Section in the Outline...