Inkscape and Krita – enhancing your vector art with raster brushes and textures
Inkscape illustrations are usually clean and simple and lack the hand-drawn feeling or texture unless the artist is using hundreds of objects or applying filter effects. Krita is a great digital drawing tool, and it has a whole arsenal of brushes and textures. If we combine these two applications, we can have the best of both worlds!
The clean vector illustrations from Inkscape create a perfect base for the raster brushes and effects provided by Krita! Drawing over these simple vector shapes in Krita can create softer surfaces and add a natural look to your illustration.
What will you create in this project?
You will take an existing vector illustration from Inkscape – about the girl sitting on the cloud with her laptop – and import it into Krita. From there, you will add texture, shadows, and highlights to it using raster brushes.
Preparing your work with Inkscape