Creating a kaleidoscopic pattern using tiled clones
Throughout this chapter we've only used simple symmetry in our tiled clone examples which is the one we usually need, but Inkscape can also be used to arrange objects in seventeen different symmetries. This recipe will show us how to create a kaleidoscopic pattern using one of those symmetries.
Most kaleidoscopes are created using three equal size mirrors positioned so their edges form an equilateral triangle. That layout dictates that we create an equal sided triangle as our base object, and use P3M1 symmetry to tile the clones so they are positioned one next to the other without gaps or overlaps.
Getting ready
For this recipe, close and restart your Inkscape session, so we can start a new drawing with all the default options reset.
How to do it...
The following steps will show you how to create a kaleidoscopic pattern:
1. Create an upright triangle (three corners) using the Polygon mode of the Star tool (Shift + F9 or *), by holding Ctrl and...