A Watson Analytics dashboard is a kind of view that helps you to monitor events or activities at a glance by providing key insights and analysis about data on one or more pages or screens. Types of dashboards include single page, tabbed, and infographic.
- To create a Watson dashboard, from the Welcome page, click on Assemble:
Assemble icon
- Next, you will see the Create new view page (shown next) where you can select the data file to build the dashboard from:
Selecting our data
Hint: If you didn't have a dataset in mind, you can just click on Skip.
- The next page that you'll see is the Create page, which is shown here:
Create page
- On this page, you have to do two things: provide a name for the view and select a template or style for your dashboard. For the name, if you select a data file, the name of the view defaults to the name of the...