High-performance communication using gRPC
What is gRPC? It is an open source RPC framework. Applications use RPC to talk to each other. gRPC is built upon the modern technologies of HTTP/2 for the transport protocol layer and protocol buffers (Protobuf) for serializing technology for messages. Protobuf also provides a language-neutral contract language.
gRPC has been designed with modern high-performance and cross-platform applications in mind. There are implementations for all manner of programming languages. This enables applications developed on different operating systems and in different programming languages to talk to each other.
gRPC is in an opinionated contract-first framework with the contract being defined in a proto file. This proto file contains your API definitions and the messages they will send and receive. Code generation is then used to generate strongly typed clients and messages for your language and platforms, which in our case will be C# and .NET. The language...