Drill down processing
There is other important information that can be gleaned. You can drill down on any given dish. For example, you could take a closer look at Pad Thai, as shown in Fig 7.4.
When you drill down on Pad Thai you see that most of the comments were expressing dissatisfaction. Continuing your curiosity you ask “Why are people dissatisfied with Pad Thai? Is Pad Thai too spicy? Not spicy enough? Too many noodles? Not enough sauce? What is it about Pad Thai that the customers are not liking?” Figure 7.5 shows that the portion size is the main reason for the customers negative comments to Pad Thai. The restaurant needs to increase the portion size of Pad Thai in order to please the customer.
Not only is sentiment derived from the customers comments, but the reasons for the sentiment is also derived. This is really powerful information for the manager that wants to increase customer satisfaction.
Another way to look at information is by information...