When creating the preceding scatter plot, we used the circle marker to indicate the points on the plot. Bokeh provides us with a wide variety of markers that you can use instead of the circle, and they are as follows:
- cross()
- x()
- diamond()
- diamond_cross()
- circle_x()
- circle_cross()
- triangle()
- inverted_triangle()
- square()
- square_x()
- square_cross()
- asterisk()
You can also add labels to the x-and y-axes by using the following code:
plot.figure(x_axis_label = "Label name of x axis", y_axis_label = "Label name of y axis")
You can customize the transparency of the points on a scatter plot by using the following code:
plot.circle(x, y, alpha = 0.5)
The alpha argument takes in a range of values between 0 to 1, with 0 being completely transparent and 1 being opaque.