Chapter 6: Trees
Question 1
Which of the following is true about binary trees:
- Every binary tree is either complete or full
- Every complete binary tree is also a full binary tree
- Every full binary tree is also a complete binary tree
- No binary tree is both complete and full
- None of the above
Option A is incorrect since it is not compulsory that a binary tree should be complete or full.
Option B is incorrect since a complete binary tree can have some nodes that are not filled in the last level, so a complete binary tree will not always be a full binary tree.
Option C is incorrect, as it is not always true, the following figure is a full binary tree, but not a complete binary tree:
Figure A.3: A binary tree that is full, but not complete
Option D is incorrect, as it is not always true. The following tree is both a complete and full binary tree:
Figure A.4: A binary tree, that is full and complete...