In a Singly Linked List, the last node (tail) doesn't have a next node; similarly, in a Doubly Linked List, a head object's previous node reference and a tail object's next node reference are null. If we slightly modify these data structures to connect head and tail, then it can be called a Circular Linked List.
Graphically, it can be represented as follows:

From the preceding diagram, it's clear that a Circular Linked List is nothing but a LinkedList whose Head (0th node) and Tail (last node) are connected. So the implementation of a Circular Linked List is the same as a Singly or Doubly Linked List with only one difference (connecting Head and Tail).
In the modern world, the topmost trending technology, Blockchain, is implemented with LinkedList. The following table explains this:
Operation |
LinkedList |
Array |
... |