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Hands-On Automated Machine Learning
Hands-On Automated Machine Learning

Hands-On Automated Machine Learning: A beginner's guide to building automated machine learning systems using AutoML and Python

By Sibanjan Das , Umit Mert Cakmak
Book Apr 2018 282 pages 1st Edition
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Hands-On Automated Machine Learning

Introduction to AutoML

The last decade, if nothing else, has been a thrilling adventure in science and technology. The first iPhone was released in 2007, and back then all of its competitors had a physical integrated keyboard. The idea of touchscreen wasn't new as Apple had similar prototypes before and IBM came up with Simon Personal Communicator in 1994. Apple's idea was to have a device full of multimedia entertainment, such as listening to music and streaming videos, while having all the useful functionalities, such as web and GPS navigation. Of course, all of this was possible with access to affordable computing power at the time that Apple released the first generation iPhone. If you really think about the struggles that these great companies have had in the last 20 years, you can see how quickly technology came to where it is today. To put things into perspective, 10 years after the release of first generation iPhones, today your iPhone, along with others, can track faces and recognize objects such as animals, vehicles, and food. It can understand natural language and converse with you.

What about 3D printers that can print organs, self-driving cars, swarms of drones that fly together in harmony, gene editing, reusable rockets, and a robot that can do a backflip? These are not stories that you read in science fiction books anymore, and it's happening as you read these lines. You could only imagine this in the past, but today, science fiction is becoming a reality. People have started talking about the threat of artificial intelligence (AI). Many leading scientists, such as Stephen Hawking, are warning officials about the possible end of humankind, which could be caused by AI-based life forms.

AI and machine learning (ML) reached their peak in the last couple of years and are totally stealing the show. The chances are pretty good that you have already heard about the success of ML algorithms and great advancements in the field over the last decade. The recent success of Google's AlphaGo showed how far this technology can go when it beat Ke Jie, the best human Go player on Earth. This wasn't the first time that ML algorithms beat humans in particular tasks such as image recognition. When it comes to fine-grained details, such as recognizing different species of animals, these algorithms have often performed better than their human competitors.

These advancements have created a huge interest in the business world. As much as it sounds like an academic field of research, these technologies have huge business implications and can directly impact your organizations financials.

Enterprises from different industries want to utilize the power of these algorithms and try to adapt to the changing technology scene. Everybody is aware that people who figure out how to integrate these technologies into their businesses will lead the space, and the rest are going to have a hard time catching up.

We will explore more of such examples in the book. In this book, we will be covering the following topics:

  • Scope of machine learning
  • What AutoML is
  • Why use AutoML and how it helps
  • When to use AutoML
  • Overview of AutoML libraries

Scope of machine learning

Machine learning and predictive analytics now help companies to focus on important areas, anticipating problems before they happen, reducing costs, and increasing revenue. This was a natural evolution after working with business intelligence (BI) solutions. BI applications were helping companies to make better decisions by monitoring their business processes in an organized manner, usually using dashboards that have various key performance indicators (KPIs) and performance metrics.

BI tools allow you to dig deeper into your organizations historical data, uncover trends, understand seasonality, find out irregular events, and so on. They can also provide real-time analytics where you can set up some warnings and alerts to manage particular events better. All of these things are quite useful, but today businesses need more than that. What does that mean? BI tools allow you to work with historical and near real-time data, but they do not provide you with answers about the future and don't answer questions such as the following:

  • Which machine in your production line is likely to fail?
  • Which of your customers will probably switch to your competitor?
  • Which company's stock price is going up tomorrow?

Businesses want to answer these kinds of questions nowadays, and it pushes them to search for suitable tools and technologies, which brings them to ML and predictive analytics.

You need to be careful though! When you are working with BI tools, you are more confident about the results that you are going to have, but when you are working with ML models, there's no such guarantee and the ground is slippery. There is definitely a huge buzz about AI and ML nowadays, and people are making outrageous claims about the capabilities of upcoming AI products. After all, computer scientists have long sought to create intelligent machines and occasionally suffered along the way due to unreal expectations. You can have a quick Google search about AI winter and learn more about that period. Although the advancements are beyond imagination and the field is moving quickly, you should navigate through the noise and see what the actual use cases are that ML really shines in and they can help you to create a value for your research or business in measurable terms.

In order to do that, you need to start with small pilot projects where:

  • You have a relatively easier decision making processes
  • You know your assumptions well
  • You know your data well

The key here is to have a well-defined project scope and steps that you are going to execute. Collaboration between different teams is really helpful in this process, that's why you should break silos inside your organization. Also, starting small doesn't mean that your vision should be small too. You should always think about scalability in the future and slowly gear up to harness the big data sources.

There are a variety of ML algorithms that you can experiment with, each designed to solve a specific problem with their own pros and cons. There is a growing body of research in this area and practitioners are coming up with new methods and pushing the limits of this field everyday. Hence, one might get easily lost with all the information available out there, especially when developing ML applications since there are many available tools and techniques for every stage of the model building process. To ease building ML models, you need to decompose a whole process into small pieces. Automated ML (AutoML) pipelines have many moving parts such as feature preprocessing, feature selection, model selection, and hyperparameter optimization. Each of these parts needs to be handled with special care to deliver successful projects.

You will hear a lot about ML concepts throughout the book, but let's step back and understand why you need to pay special attention to AutoML.

As you have more tools and technologies in your arsenal to attack your problems, having too many options usually becomes a problem itself and it requires considerable amount of time to research and understand the right approach for a given problem. When you are dealing with ML problems, it's a similar story. Building high-performing ML models contains several carefully-crafted small steps. Each step leads you to another and if you do not drop the balls on your way, you will have your ML pipeline functioning properly and generalize well when you deploy your pipeline in a production environment.

The number of steps involved in your pipeline could be large and the process could be really lengthy. At every step, there are many methods available, and, once you think about the possible number of different combinations, you will quickly realize that you need a systematic way of experimenting with all these components in your ML pipelines.

This brings us to the topic of AutoML!

What is AutoML?

AutoML aims to ease the process of building ML models by automating commonly-used steps, such as feature preprocessing, model selection, and hyperparameters tuning. You will see each of these steps in detail in coming chapters and you will actually build an AutoML system to have a deeper understanding of the available tools and libraries for AutoML.

Without getting into the details, it's useful to review what an ML model is and how you train one.

ML algorithms will work on your data to find certain patterns, and this learning process is called model training. As a result of model training, you will have an ML model that supposedly will give you insights/answers about the data without requiring you to write explicit rules.

When you are using ML models in practice, you will throw a bunch of numerical data as input for training the algorithm. The output of the training process is a ML model that you can use to make predictions. Predictions can help you to decide whether your server should be maintained in the next four hours based on its current state, or whether a customer of yours is going to switch to your competitor or not.

Sometimes the problem you are solving will not be well-defined and you will not even know what kind of answers you are looking for. In such cases, ML models will help you to explore your dataset, such as identifying a cluster of customers that are similar to each other in terms of behavior or finding the hierarchical structure of stocks based on their correlations.

What do you do when your model comes up with clusters of customers? Well, you at least know this: customers that belong to the same cluster are similar to each other in terms of their features, such as their age, profession, marital status, gender, product preferences, daily/weekly/monthly spending habits, total amount spent, and so on. Customers who belong to different clusters are dissimilar to each other. With such an insight, you can utilize this information to create different ad campaigns for each cluster.

To put things into a more technical perspective, let's understand this process in simple mathematical terms. There is a dataset X, which contains n examples. These examples could represent customers or different species of animals. Each example is usually a set of real numbers, which are called features, for example if we have a female, 35 year old customer who spent $12000 at your store, you can represent this customer with the following vector (0.0, 35.0, 12000.0). Note that the gender is represented with 0.0, this means that a male customer would have 1.0 for that feature. The size of the vector represents the dimensionality. Since this is a vector of size three, which we usually denote by m, this is a three-dimensional dataset.

Depending on the problem type, you might need to have a label for each example. For example, if this is a supervised learning problem such as binary classification, you could label your examples with 1.0 or 0.0 and this new variable is called label or target variable. The target variable is usually referred to as y.

Having x and y, an ML model is simply a function, f, with weights, w (model parameters):

Model parameters are learned during the training process, but there are also other parameters that you might need to set before training starts, and these parameters are called hyperparameters, which will be explained shortly.

Features in your dataset usually should be preprocessed before being used in model training. For example, some of the ML models implicitly assume that features are distributed normally. In many real-life scenarios this is not the case, and you can benefit from applying feature transformations such as log transformation to have them normally distributed.

Once feature processing is done and model hyperparameters are set, model training starts. At the end of model training, model parameters will be learned and we can predict the target variable for new data that the model has not seen before. Prediction made by the model is usually referred to as :

What really happens during training? Since we know the labels for the dataset we used for training, we can iteratively update our model parameters based on the comparison of what our current model predicts and what the original label was.

This comparison is based on a function called loss function (or cost function), . Loss function represents the inaccuracy of predictions. Some of the common loss functions you may have heard of are square loss, hinge loss, logistic loss, and cross-entropy loss.

Once model training is done, you will test the performance of your ML model on test data, which is the dataset that has not been used in the training process, to see how well your model generalizes. You can use different performance metrics to assess the performance; based on the results, you should go back to previous steps and do multiple adjustments to achieve better performance.

At this point, you should have an overall idea of what training an ML model looks like under the hood.

What is AutoML then? When we are talking about AutoML, we mostly refer to automated data preparation (namely feature preprocessing, generation, and selection) and model training (model selection and hyperparameter optimization). The number of possible options for each step of this process can vary vastly depending on the problem type.

AutoML allows researchers and practitioners to automatically build ML pipelines out of these possible options for every step to find high-performing ML models for a given problem.

The following figure shows a typical ML model life cycle with a couple of examples for every step:

Data can be ingested from various sources such as flat files, databases, and APIs. Once you are able to ingest the data, you should process it to make it ready for ML and there are typical operations such as cleaning and formatting, feature transformation, and feature selection. After data processing, your final dataset should be ready for ML and you will shortlist candidate algorithms to work. Shortlisted algorithms should be validated and tuned through techniques such as cross-validation and hyperparameter optimization. Your final model will be ready to be operationalized with suitable workload type such as online, batch and streaming deployment. Once model is in production, you need to monitor its performance and take necessary action if needed such as re-training, re-evaluation, and re-deployment.

Once you are faced with building ML models, you will first do research on the domain you are working on and identify your objective. There are many steps involved in the process which should be planned and documented in advance before you actually start working on it. To learn more about the whole process of project management, you can refer to CRISP-DM model (, project management is crucially important to deliver a successful application, however, it's beyond the scope of this book.

In terms of building ML pipelines, you will usually have multiple data sources, such as relational databases or flat files, where you can get historical data. You can also have streaming data flowing into your systems from various resources.

You will work on these data sources to understand which of them could be useful for your particular task, then you will proceed to the data processing step where you will do lots of cleaning, formatting, and data quality checks followed by feature transformations and selection.

When you decide that your dataset is ready to be fed into ML models, you will need to think about working with one or more suitable ML models. You will train multiple models, evaluate them, and search for optimal hyperparameter settings. Versioning at this point will help you to keep track of changes. As a result of your experimentation, you will have a performance ML pipeline with every step optimized for performance. The best performing ML pipeline will be the one you would like to test drive in a production environment and that's the point where you would like to operationalize it in the deployment step.

Operationalizing an ML pipeline means that you need to choose a deployment type. Some of the workloads will be for batch processing the data you have in databases, and in that case you need batch deployment. Others could be for processing real-time data provided by various data providers, where you will need streaming deployment.

If you carefully examine each of these steps, especially the options in data processing and training steps are vast. First you need to select appropriate methods and algorithms, then you should also fine-tune hyperparameters for selected methods and algorithms for them to best perform for your given problem.

Just to give a simple example, let's assume that you are done with the steps up to model training step, you need to select a set of ML models to experiment. To make things simpler, let's say the only algorithm you would like to experiment with is k-means, it's just about tuning its parameters.

A k-means algorithm helps to cluster similar data points together. The following code snippet uses the scikit-learn library and you can install it using pip (, don't worry if you don't understand every line:

# Sklearn has convenient modules to create sample data.
# make_blobs will help us to create a sample data set suitable for clustering
from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobs

X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=100, centers=2, cluster_std=0.30, random_state=0)

# Let's visualize what we have first
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], s=50)

The output of the preceding code snippet is as follows:

You can easily see that we have two clusters on the plot:

# We will import KMeans model from clustering model family of Sklearn
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=2)
predictions = k_means.predict(X)

# Let's plot the predictions
plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=predictions, cmap='brg')

The output of the preceding code snippet is as follows:

Nice! Our algorithm worked as we expected. Astute readers may have noticed that there was an argument named n_clusters for the k-means model. When you provide this value to the k-means algorithm, it will try to split this dataset into two clusters. As you can guess, k-means's hyperparameter in this case is the number of clusters. The k-means model needs to know this parameter before training.

Different algorithms have different hyperparameters such as depth of tree for decision trees, number of hidden layers, learning rate for neural networks, alpha parameter for Lasso or C, kernel, and gamma for Support Vector Machines (SVMs).

Let's see how many arguments the k-means model has by using the get_params method:


The output will be the list of all parameters that you can optimize:

{'algorithm': 'auto',
 'copy_x': True,
 'init': 'k-means++',
 'max_iter': 300,
 'n_clusters': 2,
 'n_init': 10,
 'n_jobs': 1,
 'precompute_distances': 'auto',
 'random_state': None,
 'tol': 0.0001,
 'verbose': 0}

In most real-life use cases, you will neither have resources nor time for trying each possible combination with the options of all steps considered.

AutoML libraries come to your aid at this point by carefully setting up experiments for various ML pipelines, which covers all the steps from data ingestion, data processing, modeling, and scoring.

Why use AutoML and how does it help?

There are a lot of ML tutorials on the internet, and usually the sample datasets are clean, formatted, and ready to be used with algorithms because the aim of many tutorials is to show the capability of certain tools, libraries, or Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings.

In reality, datasets come in different types and sizes. A recent industry survey done by Kaggle in 2017, titled The State of Data Science and Machine Learning, with over 16,000 responses, shows that the top-three commonly-used datatypes are relational data, text data, and image data.

Moreover, messy data is at the top of the list of problems that people have to deal with, again based on the Kaggle survey. When a dataset is messy and needs a lot of special treatment to be used by ML models, you spend a considerable amount of time on data cleaning, manipulation, and hand-crafting features to get it in the right shape. This is the most time-consuming part of any data science project.

What about selection of performant ML models, hyperparameter optimization of models in training, validation, and testing phases? These are also crucially-important steps that can be executed in many ways.

When the combination of right components come together to process and model your dataset, that combination represents a ML pipeline, and the number of pipelines to be experimented could grow very quickly.

For building high-performing ML pipelines successfully, you should systematically go through all the available options for every step by considering your limits in terms of time and hardware/software resources.

AutoML systems help you to define robust approaches to automatically constructing ML pipelines for a given problem and effectively execute them in order to find performant models.

When do you automate ML?

Once you are confident with building ML pipelines, you will realize that there are many mundane routines that you have to perform to prepare features and tuning hyperparameters. You also will feel more confident with certain methods, and you will have a pretty good idea of what the techniques are that would work well together with different parameter settings.

In between different projects, you gain more experience by performing multiple experiments to evaluate your processing and modeling pipelines, optimizing the whole workflow in an iterative fashion. Managing this whole process can quickly get very ugly if you are not organized from the beginning.

Necessity of AutoML arises out of these difficult situations, when you are dealing with many moving parts and a great number of parameters. These are the situations where AutoML can help you focus on the design and implementation details in a structured manner.

What will you learn?

Throughout this book, you will learn both theoretical and practical aspects of AutoML systems. More importantly, you will practice your skills by developing an AutoML system from scratch.

Core components of AutoML systems

In this section, you will review the following core components of AutoML systems:

  • Automated feature preprocessing
  • Automated algorithm selection
  • Hyperparameter optimization

Having a better understanding of core components will help you to create your mental map of AutoML systems.

Automated feature preprocessing

When you are dealing with ML problems, you usually have a relational dataset that has various types of data, and you should properly treat each of them before training ML algorithms.

For example, if you are dealing with numerical data, you may scale it by applying methods such as min-max scaling or variance scaling.

For textual data, you may want to remove stop-words such as a, an, and the, and perform operations such as stemming, parsing, and tokenization.

For categorical data, you may need to encode it using methods such as one-hot encoding, dummy coding, and feature hashing.

How about having a very high number of features? For example, when you have thousands of features, how many of them would actually be useful? Would it be better to reduce dimensionality by using methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA)?

What if you have different formats of data, such as video, audio, and image? How do you process each of them?

For example, for image data, you may apply some transformations such as rescaling the images to common shape and segmentation to separate certain regions.

There is an abundance of feature preprocessing methods, and ML algorithms will perform better with some set of transformations. Having a flexible AutoML system in your arsenal will allow you to experiment with different combinations in a smart way, which will save you much needed time and money in your projects.

Automated algorithm selection

Once you are done with feature processing, you need to find a suitable set of algorithms for training and evaluation.

Every ML algorithm has an ability to solve certain problems. Let's consider clustering algorithms such as k-means, hierarchical clustering, spectral clustering, and DBSCAN. We are familiar with k-means, but what about the others? Each of these algorithms has application areas and each might perform better than others based on the distributional properties of a dataset.

AutoML pipelines can help you to choose the right algorithm from a set of suitable algorithms for a given problem.

Hyperparameter optimization

Every ML algorithm has one or many hyperparameters and you are already familiar with k-means. But it is not only ML algorithms that have hyperparameters, feature processing methods also have their hyperparameters and those also need fine-tuning.

Tuning hyperparameters is crucially important to a model's success and AutoML pipeline will help you to define a range of hyperparameters that you would like to experiment with, resulting in the best performing ML pipeline.

Building prototype subsystems for each component

Throughout the book, you will be building each core component of AutoML systems from scratch and seeing how each part interacts with each other.

Having skills to build such systems from scratch will give you a deeper understanding of the process and also inner workings of popular AutoML libraries.

Putting it all together as an end–to–end AutoML system

Once you have gone through all the chapters, you will have a good understanding of the components and how they work together to create ML pipelines. You will then use your knowledge to write AutoML pipelines from scratch and tweak them in any way that would work for a set of problems that you are aiming to solve.

Overview of AutoML libraries

There are many popular AutoML libraries, and in this section you will have an overview of commonly used ones in the data science community.


Featuretools ( is a good library for automatically engineering features from relational and transactional data. The library introduces the concept called Deep Feature Synthesis (DFS). If you have multiple datasets with relationships defined among them such as parent-child based on columns that you use as unique identifiers for examples, DFS will create new features based on certain calculations, such as summation, count, mean, mode, standard deviation, and so on. Let's go through a small example where you will have two tables, one showing the database information and the other showing the database transactions for each database:

import pandas as pd

# First dataset contains the basic information for databases.
databases_df = pd.DataFrame({"database_id": [2234, 1765, 8796, 2237, 3398],
"creation_date": ["2018-02-01", "2017-03-02", "2017-05-03", "2013-05-12", "2012-05-09"]})


You get the following output:

The following is the code for the database transaction:

# Second dataset contains the information of transaction for each database id
db_transactions_df = pd.DataFrame({"transaction_id": [26482746, 19384752, 48571125, 78546789, 19998765, 26482646, 12484752, 42471125, 75346789, 16498765, 65487547, 23453847, 56756771, 45645667, 23423498, 12335268, 76435357, 34534711, 45656746, 12312987],
"database_id": [2234, 1765, 2234, 2237, 1765, 8796, 2237, 8796, 3398, 2237, 3398, 2237, 2234, 8796, 1765, 2234, 2237, 1765, 8796, 2237],
"transaction_size": [10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 40, 60, 60, 10, 20, 60, 50, 40, 40, 30, 90, 130, 40, 50, 30],
"transaction_date": ["2018-02-02", "2018-03-02", "2018-03-02", "2018-04-02", "2018-04-02", "2018-05-02", "2018-06-02", "2018-06-02", "2018-07-02", "2018-07-02", "2018-01-03", "2018-02-03", "2018-03-03", "2018-04-03", "2018-04-03", "2018-07-03", "2018-07-03", "2018-07-03", "2018-08-03", "2018-08-03"]})


You get the following output:

The code for the entities is as follows:

# Entities for each of datasets should be defined
entities = {
"databases" : (databases_df, "database_id"),
"transactions" : (db_transactions_df, "transaction_id")

# Relationships between tables should also be defined as below
relationships = [("databases", "database_id", "transactions", "database_id")]


You get the following output for the preceding code:

The following code snippet will create feature matrix and feature definitions:

# There are 2 entities called ‘databases’ and ‘transactions’

# All the pieces that are necessary to engineer features are in place, you can create your feature matrix as below

import featuretools as ft

feature_matrix_db_transactions, feature_defs = ft.dfs(entities=entities,

The following output shows some of the features that are generated:

Generated features using databases and transaction entities

You can see all feature definitions by looking at the following features_defs:


The output is as follows:

This is how you can easily generate features based on relational and transactional datasets.


Scikit-learn has a great API for developing ML models and pipelines. Scikit-learn's API is very consistent and mature; if you are used to working with it, auto-sklearn ( will be just as easy to use since it's really a drop-in replacement for scikit-learn estimators.

Let's see a little example:

# Necessary imports
import autosklearn.classification
import sklearn.model_selection
import sklearn.datasets
import sklearn.metrics
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Digits dataset is one of the most popular datasets in machine learning community.
# Every example in this datasets represents a 8x8 image of a digit.
X, y = sklearn.datasets.load_digits(return_X_y=True)

# Let's see the first image. Image is reshaped to 8x8, otherwise it's a vector of size 64.

The output is as follows:

You can plot a couple of images to see how they look:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

number_of_images = 10
images_and_labels = list(zip(X, y))

for i, (image, label) in enumerate(images_and_labels[:number_of_images]):
plt.subplot(2, number_of_images, i + 1)
plt.imshow(image.reshape(8,8),, interpolation='nearest')
plt.title('%i' % label)

Running the preceding snippet will give you the following plot:

Splitting the dataset to train and test data:

# We split our dataset to train and test data
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=1)

# Similarly to creating an estimator in Scikit-learn, we create AutoSklearnClassifier
automl = autosklearn.classification.AutoSklearnClassifier()

# All you need to do is to invoke fit method to start experiment with different feature engineering methods and machine learning models, y_train)

# Generating predictions is same as Scikit-learn, you need to invoke predict method.
y_hat = automl.predict(X_test)

print("Accuracy score", sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, y_hat))
# Accuracy score 0.98

That was easy, wasn't it?


MLBox ( is another AutoML library and it supports distributed data processing, cleaning, formatting, and state-of-the-art algorithms such as LightGBM and XGBoost. It also supports model stacking, which allows you to combine an information ensemble of models to generate a new model aiming to have better performance than the individual models.

Here's an example of its usage:

# Necessary Imports
from mlbox.preprocessing import *
from mlbox.optimisation import *
from mlbox.prediction import *
import wget

file_link = ''
file_name =

# GoSales_Tx_NaiveBayes.csv

The GoSales dataset contains information for customers and their product preferences:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('GoSales_Tx_NaiveBayes.csv')

You get the following output from the preceding code:

Let's create a test set from the same dataset by dropping a target column:

test_df = df.drop(['PRODUCT_LINE'], axis = 1)

# First 300 records saved as test dataset

paths = ["GoSales_Tx_NaiveBayes.csv", "test_data.csv"]
target_name = "PRODUCT_LINE"

rd = Reader(sep = ',')
df = rd.train_test_split(paths, target_name)

The output will be similar to the following:

Drift_thresholder will help you to drop IDs and drifting variables between train and test datasets:

dft = Drift_thresholder()
df = dft.fit_transform(df)

You get the following output:

Optimiser will optimize the hyperparameters:

opt = Optimiser(scoring = 'accuracy', n_folds = 3)
opt.evaluate(None, df)

You get the following output by running the preceding code:

The following code defines the parameters of the ML pipeline:

space = {  
'ne__numerical_strategy':{"search":"choice", "space":[0]},
"space":["label_encoding","random_projection", "entity_embedding"]},
'fs__threshold':{"search":"uniform", "space":[0.01,0.3]},
'est__max_depth':{"search":"choice", "space":[3,4,5,6,7]}

best = opt.optimise(space, df,15)

The following output shows you the selected methods that are being tested by being given the ML algorithms, which is LightGBM in this output:

You can also see various measures such as accuracy, variance, and CPU time:

Using Predictor, you can use the best model to make predictions:

predictor = Predictor()
predictor.fit_predict(best, df)

You get the following output:


Tree-Based Pipeline Optimization Tool (TPOT) is using genetic programming to find the best performing ML pipelines, and it is built on top of scikit-learn.

Once your dataset is cleaned and ready to be used, TPOT will help you with the following steps of your ML pipeline:

  • Feature preprocessing
  • Feature construction and selection
  • Model selection
  • Hyperparameter optimization

Once TPOT is done with its experimentation, it will provide you with the best performing pipeline.

TPOT is very user-friendly as it's similar to using scikit-learn's API:

from tpot import TPOTClassifier
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Digits dataset that you have used in Auto-sklearn example
digits = load_digits()
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,,
train_size=0.75, test_size=0.25)

# You will create your TPOT classifier with commonly used arguments
tpot = TPOTClassifier(generations=10, population_size=30, verbosity=2)

# When you invoke fit method, TPOT will create generations of populations, seeking best set of parameters. Arguments you have used to create TPOTClassifier such as generations and population_size will affect the search space and resulting pipeline., y_train)

print(tpot.score(X_test, y_test))
# 0.9834

Once you have exported your pipeline in the Python file, you will see the selected pipeline components:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier

# NOTE: Make sure that the class is labeled 'target' in the data file
tpot_data = pd.read_csv('PATH/TO/DATA/FILE', sep='COLUMN_SEPARATOR', dtype=np.float64)
features = tpot_data.drop('target', axis=1).values
training_features, testing_features, training_target, testing_target =\
train_test_split(features, tpot_data['target'].values, random_state=42)

exported_pipeline = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=6,
weights="distance"), training_target)
results = exported_pipeline.predict(testing_features)

This is it!


By now, you should have an overall idea of what automated ML is and why you need to be familiar with ML pipelines.

You have reviewed the core components of AutoML systems and also practiced your skills using popular AutoML libraries.

This is definitely not the whole list, and AutoML is an active area of research. You should check out other libraries such as Auto-WEKA, which also uses the latest innovations in Bayesian optimization, and Xcessive, which is a user-friendly tool for creating stacked ensembles.

For now, this is enough of magic! You should start working on your own masterpiece and in the following chapters, you will be building an AutoML system of your own!

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Key benefits

  • Build automated modules for different machine learning components
  • Understand each component of a machine learning pipeline in depth
  • Learn to use different open source AutoML and feature engineering platforms


AutoML is designed to automate parts of Machine Learning. Readily available AutoML tools are making data science practitioners’ work easy and are received well in the advanced analytics community. Automated Machine Learning covers the necessary foundation needed to create automated machine learning modules and helps you get up to speed with them in the most practical way possible. In this book, you’ll learn how to automate different tasks in the machine learning pipeline such as data preprocessing, feature selection, model training, model optimization, and much more. In addition to this, it demonstrates how you can use the available automation libraries, such as auto-sklearn and MLBox, and create and extend your own custom AutoML components for Machine Learning. By the end of this book, you will have a clearer understanding of the different aspects of automated Machine Learning, and you’ll be able to incorporate automation tasks using practical datasets. You can leverage your learning from this book to implement Machine Learning in your projects and get a step closer to winning various machine learning competitions.

What you will learn

Understand the fundamentals of Automated Machine Learning systems Explore auto-sklearn and MLBox for AutoML tasks Automate your preprocessing methods along with feature transformation Enhance feature selection and generation using the Python stack Assemble individual components of ML into a complete AutoML framework Demystify hyperparameter tuning to optimize your ML models Dive into Machine Learning concepts such as neural networks and autoencoders Understand the information costs and trade-offs associated with AutoML
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Publication date : Apr 26, 2018
Length 282 pages
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ISBN-13 : 9781788629898
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Publication date : Apr 26, 2018
Length 282 pages
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781788629898
Category :

Table of Contents

10 Chapters
Preface Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
1. Introduction to AutoML Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
2. Introduction to Machine Learning Using Python Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
3. Data Preprocessing Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
4. Automated Algorithm Selection Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
5. Hyperparameter Optimization Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
6. Creating AutoML Pipelines Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
7. Dive into Deep Learning Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
8. Critical Aspects of ML and Data Science Projects Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
9. Other Books You May Enjoy Chevron down icon Chevron up icon

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