Introducing our app
It is time to put all of our knowledge to work and create our first FARM stack app! Our employer, a company that sells used cars, has decided to create an application that will be used internally for the management of car ads. The specification at this point is quite simple – the app should be able to store and provide data about the cars (brand, make, year of production, kilometers, and so on) and offer basic CRUD functionality. The user interface should be simple so that employees can get working right away – cars are inserted into the database, they can be listed, the price can be updated, and they can be deleted.
I am going to start with the database layer – we will begin by working on an Atlas MongoDB instance right away since we need to be able to create fast deployments of the app and obtain fast and frequent feedback from the stakeholders – the car sales company owner (although, in this case, that shouldn’t be an issue...